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Rap entra na lista de discos mais influentes do mundo

Os trabalhos de Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, Nas, Jay-Z, De La Soul, Eric B. & Rakim e OutKast figuram entre os 25 discos mais influentes do mundo,dos últimos 25 anos, numa eleição realizada pela revista norte-americana Spin .

Confira a lista:

01. U2 - “Achtung baby”
02. Prince - “Sign o’ the times”
03. The Smiths - “The queen is dead”
04. Nirvana - “Nevermind”
05. Radiohead - “Ok computer”
06. Public Enemy - “It takes a nation of millions to hold us back”
07. Guns N’ Roses - “Appetite for destruction”
08. PJ Harvey - “Rid of me”
09. Pavement - “Slanted and enchanted”
10. Nine Inch Nails - “The downward spiral”
11. The Replacements - “Tim”
12. OutKast - “Stankonia”
13. Sonic Youth - “Daydream nation”
14. Beastie Boys - “Pauls Boutique”
15. Hüsker Dü - “New day rising”
16. Pixies - “Doolittle”
17. De La Soul - “3 feet high and rising”
18. The Strokes - “Is this it”
19. Jay-Z - “The blueprint”
20. My Bloody Valentine - “Loveless”
21. Oasis - “(Whats the story) Morning glory?”
22. Eric B. & Rakim – “Paid in full”
23. Daft Punk – “Discovery”
24. Metallica - “Master of puppets”
25. Nas- “Illmatic”

By Central Hip Hop

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